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Lost, Stolen or Shredded Page 24
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Page 24
Peruggia responsible for theft 14–16
pilgrimages to see the empty space ix, xi, 13–14
Prado version 4, 5
returned to the Louvre from Italy 17
spectators 7–8
speculation about the theft 10–12
stolen from the Louvre ix, xi, xvi, 9–10, 34, 192
unrestored original and restored Prado version 5
use of sfumato 8
The Lady with an Ermine 4
St John the Baptist 4, 9
The Virgin and Child with St Anne 9
Library of Congress 82, 83
Lincoln, Abraham 77
Liszt, Franz 184, 185
Liverpool Cathedral 246, 255–6
Livingstone, David 90, 234
London Missionary Society 241
London Zoo 170
Lord’s cricket ground, London 117
Louvre, Paris
Asiatic Antiquities section 10–11
lax security at the time of Mona Lisa theft 10
Mona Lisa stolen from Salon Carré ix, xi, 3, 7–8
Picasso receives stolen statuettes 12–13
Lowell, Robert 153
Luttrell, Henry 99
Lutyens, Edwin 245, 251, 257
Lyons Corner Houses, London 249
Maalouf, Amin: Leo the African 260
McCahon, Colin
recognised as New Zealand’s greatest artist 19
sense of the deep symbolic potential of place 34–5
Urewera mural 20
a controversial picture 19, 23
currently in Auckland Gallery 35
damage to 30–31
described 19
displayed at Urewera National Park Visitors’ Centre 19
Gibbs’s successful negotiations 28–30
inscriptions 19, 23–4
New Zealand’s most famous painting 19
speculation about the theft 26–7
stolen from Visitors’ Centre 24–5, 34, 195
while lost, a potent symbol of Tuhoe dispossession 32
McCarthy, Cormac 158
MacCarthy, Fiona 92, 102, 142
Mackereth, Betty 113, 120
Mackintosh, Charles Rennie 131
Buchanan Street Tea Rooms 250–1
death 256
fabric design 256
fame abroad 255
Hill House 248, 253–5
insufficient customers 245–47, 255
Liverpool Cathedral design 246, 255–6
masterpiece Glasgow School of Art 247–8, 249
moves to France 256
paints landscapes and botanical studies 256
Willow Tea Rooms, Glasgow 251–3
Mackintosh, Margaret 250, 254
Mahler, Gustav: Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen (I am Lost to the World’) 181–2, 185, 188–9, 194
Malcolm X 225–30
Autobiography 225, 226
Malthus, Thomas 90
Man Booker Prize 179
Maori culture 121
Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso 32–3
Futurist Manifesto (1909) 11
Matisse, Henri 232
Maugham, W. Somerset 44
Maze, Paul 41
Melville, Herman 90
Meredith, George 75
Merton College, Oxford 2
Mesopotamia 209, 211, 219, 242
Michelangelo 7, 247
Miró, Joan 2
Missolonghi, western Greece 94
Mitchell, Glenn 25
Monroe, Marilyn 101
Monteith, Charles 108
Moore, Doris Langley: My Caravaggio Style 72
Moore, Thomas 97, 99
Morgan Library, New York 192
Mormons 75, 76, 77, 82
Morris, William 166, 180, 254
Morrison, Blake 113
Motion, Andrew 113, 115
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 131, 256–7
Muhammad, Elijah 225
Munich City Library 187
Munro, Neil 252
Murray, John, II 97, 98–100
Murray, John, III 99
Murray, John, VI (‘Jock’) 91
Murray, John, VII 90, 92
Murray, Virginia 90, 92
Murray archive 99–100
Musée National, Paris 42
Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington 28
Music Collection of the City of Vienna 187
Muthesius, Hermann 255
Nabokov, Dmitri 152, 178
Nabokov, Vera 152, 177
Nabokov, Vladimir 125, 180
Lolita 178–9
The Original of Laura 151–2
Naples, King of 199, 201
Napoleon Bonaparte 15, 104–5, 184, 201
Nation of Islam 226
National Library of Ireland 64, 66, 154
National Library of Scotland 100
National Museum, Baghdad 209–10, 216
looting 210, 212
missing antiquities 210
return of artefacts 212
unprotected 213–14
National Portrait Gallery, London 42, 49, 50, 101
nationalism 27, 67, 223
Nazis 132, 181, 188, 189–91
Nebuchadnezzar II, King 216
New York Public Library: Berg Collection 146
New Zealand Communist Party 27
Nigeria: buying back artworks 238, 239
Norman, Peter 223
Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris 10
Oath of a Freeman
historical significance 79–81
Hofmann’s document 78–9
provenance of the forgery 81–3
text of 78–9
Olympic Games (1968) 222–3
Olympic Project for Human Rights 223
Omar, Caliph 203
Orange River 241
Ormesson, Baron Ignace d’ 10–11, 12
Ovonramwen, King Omo n’Oba 235, 240
Palestine 132
Paris-Journal newspaper 10
Parnell, Charles Stewart 54, 56–7, 63
Parthenon, Athens 217–18, 240
patination 6
Patterson, James 97, 158
Paulin, Tom 115
Pelé 184
Penetralium of Mystery 149, 150
Penguin 179
Pergamon Museum, Berlin 216
Babylonian Gate of Ishtar 7, 216, 220–21
Peruggia, Vincenzo 14–16, 17, 192
Phillips, Lieutenant James 235
Phillips, Thomas 101
Philodemus 196, 198, 204, 205, 206
Picasso, Pablo 2, 11, 12, 85, 192
appropriation of ‘primitive’ art 232
purchases statuettes stolen from the Louvre 12–13, 194
signs manifesto pledging to burn down the Louvre 11, 32–3
Les Demoiselles d’Avignon 12, 232
Guernica 34
Piper, John 89, 90
Plath, Sylvia 68, 119, 153
Plato: allegory of the cave x
Pliny the Younger 198–9
Plutarch 203
Pol Pot 33
Pompeii 195, 198, 205
House of the Surgeons 200
Pope, Alexander 106
Port-Vendres, south of France 256
Pound, Ezra 68, 118, 142, 143–4, 159–60
Powell, Enoch 117
Prado Museum, Madrid: fine copy of the Mona Lisa 4, 5
Prague 132
Ptolemy III 207
Ptolemy Soter 202, 207
Putnam’s 177
Quaritch, Bernard 65, 166
Quarterly Review 90, 98
Quinn, John 64, 146
racism 26, 121, 222–3, 227, 229
Red Guards 33
Rembrandt van Rijn 2, 238
Renoir, Pierre-Auguste: The Boating Party 1, 2
reparations 190–1
br /> Restitution Acts (Austria) 190–91
Reuters 139
Revere, Paul 77
right of integrity concept 49
Ringatu Church 23
Robertson, Professor Richie 139–40
Romantics 106
Rosetta Stone 218
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel 166
Roth, Philip 16, 113–14, 130–31
Rothschild family 191
Royal Academy Summer Exhibition (1948) 47
Royal Observatory, Greenwich 12
Rua (Maori prophet) 23
ruba’i (four-lined poems) 162, 164
Rubens, Peter Paul 87
Rubinstein, Helena 45
Rückert, Friedrich 181–2
Rumsfeld, Donald 193, 211, 213, 219
Rushdie, Salman 158
The Satanic Verses 118
Ruskin, John 75
Russell, Lord John 98
Sackville-West, Edward 45
Sade, Marquis de 93
Sangorski, Frances 175
Sangorski, Francis
drowns after saving a woman’s life 174–5
education 165
a great and visionary bookbinder 180
jewelled binding for Keats’s Poems 169
partnership with Sutcliffe 165
Stonehouse’s ‘incredible commission’ 168
Sangorski, Francis and Sutcliffe, George
The Great Omar 163, 166–8, 180
complete records kept 176
designs copyrighted 174
front board 170–71
lost on the Titanic 174
meticulous research 170
Rob Shepherd on 176–7
second and third Omar copies made by Sutcliffe’s nephew 175–6
Stonehouse’s commission 168, 171
Weiss buys cheaply at Sotheby’s 172
Weiss’s first offer 171
Sangorski and Sutcliffe Bindery, Bloomsbury Square, London 165, 168, 171, 176, 178–9, 180
Sartre, Jean-Paul 14
Scargill, Arthur 117
Schenk, Professor Erich 187
Schiller, Friedrich: Ode to Joy 181
Schiller, Justin 77, 81, 82, 83, 85
Schwartz, Jake 58
Schweitzer, Albert 230
Scott, John 18, 19
Scott, Captain Robert Falcon 172, 173
Scott, Sir Walter 90
Second World War 38, 175
Self, Will 141, 142
Selley, Peter 67, 179
Selsey Bay, Sussex 174
sfumato 8
Shadbolt, Maurice: Season the Jew 23
Shakespeare, William 149–50, 259
First Folio 75
Hamlet 98, 150
Shakespeare in Love (film) 150
Shaw, George Bernard 85
Sheets, Kathleen 84
Shelley, Percy Bysshe 75, 105, 106, 259, 260
Poetical Essay on the Existing State of Things 65
Shepherd, Rob 168, 169, 176–7
Shiite militias 214
Sickert, Walter 41
signatures, forged 85–6
Simpsons, The (animated television series) 59
Sistine Chapel, Rome 7
slavery 198, 226, 227, 241
Slocum, John 62
Smith, Joseph 76
Smith, Tommie 222, 231, 230, 243
Smithsonian American Art
Museum, Washington, DC 167
Sophocles 207, 208
Sotheby’s, London 66, 133, 172, 178
Book Department 67, 179
Sotheby’s, Vienna 189
Sotheran, Henry 172
Southey, Robert 106
Staley, Tom 66–7
Stein, Gertrude 14, 147
Stonehouse, John 165, 168, 171, 172, 175, 176
Stoppard, Tom 150
Strand, The 47
Studio, The 248
Sunni insurgents 214
Sutcliffe, George 165, 175
Sutherland, Graham 89, 102
at the height of his reputation and powers in 1951 40–41
attitude to portrait painting 43–5
and Francis Bacon 43, 46
paintings of Blitz bomb damage 38
Roman Catholicism 43
work has fallen into disregard 42
Christ in Glory 51–2
Gorse on a Sea Wall 43
Lord Beaverbrook 45
Somerset Maugham 44–5
Winston Churchill
Churchill as a ‘grumpy and difficult’ subject 38–41
commission for 40, 49, 50
described 38–40
destroyed by Lady Churchill xiii
hated by Churchill 39, 41, 42
intended to be hung at Westminster after sitter’s death 40, 48–9
Lady Churchill destroys the portrait xiii, 48
painted to honour Churchill but failed to do so 50–51
preparatory studies 41–2, 49
Swinburne, Algernon 166
Symonds, John Addington: Wine, Women and Song 165
Tacitus 198
Taliban 33
Tate Gallery Archive 89
Taylor, Elizabeth 170
Te Urewera region, New
Zealand 22, 26, 30, 31–2
Tel Aviv Family Court 138, 140
Tel Aviv Municipal Library 140
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord 75
Terrorism Suppression Act (2002) 31, 32
Thackeray, William Makepeace 75
Thesiger, Ernest 107
Third Reich 184
Thomas, Caitlin 68
Thomas, Dylan 122
18 Poems 68
Thorburn, Judge 31
Thwaite, Anthony 108, 120
Timon of Phlius 203
Titanic, SS 173, 174, 195
Topps cards 58, 60
Treaty of Waitangi (1840) 21, 22
Trevor-Roper, Professor Hugh 236, 242
Trinity College Dublin 154
Tuhoe (‘People of the Mist’)
activists in Te Urewera region 26–7, 31–2
dispossession of 21, 23, 31, 32, 33, 35
McCahon’s mural 23, 26–7, 28
and Treaty of Waitangi 21
and Waitangi Tribunal 22
Twain, Mark 77
Twining’s tea house, London 249
Uffizi Gallery, Florence 15
Ulysses Bookshop, Holborn, London 58
Umma, Iraq 214
United Nations trade sanctions 213
University of Georgia 189
University of London 116
University of Pennsylvania 2, 125, 132, 236, 238–9
Penn Museum 238
‘Imagine Africa at the Penn Museum’ exhibition 238–9
Van Pelt Library 128
University of Texas, Austin 66
Harry Ransom Center 66–7, 147
University of Warwick 51, 141
Urewera Four 32
Urewera National Park, New Zealand
Aniwaniwa Visitors’ Centre 18, 19, 24, 26, 35
Tuhoe claims 22
Urewera National Park Board 23
Vatican Library 58, 71
Vedder, Elihu 167–8, 171
Venice Biennale exhibition of English art (1952) 42
Venturi, Robert 247
Vernon, Mickey 59
Vesuvius, Mount 6, 195–199
Vienna Secession 252
8th 255
Vietnam War 27, 222
Villa Mauresque, Provence 44
Vlaminck, Maurice 232
Vollard, Ambroise 232
Wadsworth, Edward 42
Wagner, Richard 181, 187
Wagner, Winifred 187–8
Waitangi Tribunal 21
Waldheim, Kurt 190
Wallace-Hadrill, Andrew 206
Walter, Philippe 8
Wapner, Raymond 81–2, 83
Warka Ma
sk 212
Warka Vase 212
Washington, George 77
Washington Senators 58, 59
Waugh, Evelyn: The World to Come: A Poem in Three Cantos 65
Weaver, Harriet Shaw 63
Weiss (Wells), Gabriel 171, 172
Westall, Richard 101
Westminster, London 40, 48, 50
Westminster Abbey, London 95
Westminster Hall, Palace of Westminster, London 37
Wharton, Edith: Verses 65
White, T. H.
The Boy’s Own Book of Spankings 123–4
The Sword in the Stone 123
White Star Line 173
Wikipedia 130, 169
Wild Men of Paris 12
Wilde, Oscar 40, 56, 104, 106–7, 254
Willett, Frank 232
Willow Tea Rooms, Glasgow 251–2
Winterson, Jeanette 66
Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal? 132–3
Wisden 154–5
Wise, T. J. 74–5
Wittman, Robert 193, 194
Wolfe, Tom: Radical Chic 29
Woolf, Virginia 118, 146
Wordsworth, William 106
World Trade Center, New York, attack on (11 September 2001) 32, 213
Wright, Frank Lloyd: Fallingwater 253, 254
Yeats, W. B. 68, 146
Zaehnsdorf 165
Zeno of Sidon 205