Lost, Stolen or Shredded Page 23
Bande à Picasso, La 12
Barnacle, Nora 66, 124
BBC television 38, 42
Beaverbrook, Lord 45, 49
Beckett, Samuel 154–57
Beerbohm, Max 44
Beethoven, Ludwig van 181, 184
Bell, Detective Inspector Graham 27, 29
British invasion repelled (1896) 235, 240
and Gallwey Treaty 235
reprisals by British 235–6, 240
a stable and complex civilisation 236
Benin bronzes
looted by British soldiers 235–6, 237
sale of ‘duplicates’ by British Museum 237–8
value 237, 238
Benin City 236–37, 240
Bennett, Alan 116
Bernard Quaritch Booksellers 65
Bernstein, Leonard 29
Berry Bros and Rudd 101
Bertillon, Alphonse 13
Bierce, Ambrose: Devil’s Dictionary 69
Black Panthers 27, 29
Black Power 222, 231
Blackie, Walter 248, 253, 254–5
Blackrock, Dublin 57
Blair administration 212–13
Blitz, the 38
Blumberg, David 137
Bodleian Library, Oxford 112, 140
Boone, Daniel 77
Boyd, William 43
Brahms, Johannes 184
Bray, Stanley 175, 176
British Library 75, 123, 176
British Museum, London 210, 212, 217–20, 224, 234
Benin exhibition 234
British Museum Act (1963) 238
Brod, Max 14, 141, 152
diaries 139–40
German Museum of Modern Literature’s claim 133
leaves Kafka papers to Esther Hoffe 132–3, 134, 137, 140
night-time taxi journey x, xiv
rejects Kafka’s instruction to burn his unpublished material xii, 114, 129, 131–2
takes further Kafka material to Palestine 132
Brooklyn Dodgers 58
Brown, Dan 158
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett 75
Bruckner, Anton 184
Brundage, Avery 223
Brynmor Jones Library, Hull University 108
Buchanan Street Tea Rooms, Glasgow 250–51
Burton, Richard: The Perfumed Garden 93
Bush, George W. 211
Bush administration 212–13
Butler, Judith 137–8
Byron, George Gordon, Lord 118, 124
appearance 100–102, 104
compared with Larkin 108
compared with Wilde 106–7
death and burial 94–5, 105
diet 102, 166
fame 100, 103–4
idolises Napoleon 104–5
letters of 159
his poetical work 105–6
revered in Greece 95, 105
reviled in England 95, 104
travels abroad 104, 105
Cain 97
Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage 90, 100–101, 102–3
Don Juan 97, 106
Memoirs 72, 257
alternatives to burning 99
burnt by executors xii, 91, 91–4, 96–9, 108, 114–15
‘the elect’ 94, 98
intended for publication 94
Murray archive 99–100
sold by Thomas Moore to Murray 97
unread by his wife, his publisher or Augusta Leigh 96–7
Byron, Lady 96–7, 99
Caesar, Julius 50, 196, 203
Cahoon, Herbert 62
Calder, Alexander 2
Calpurnius Piso, villa of, Herculaneum see Herculaneum: Villa of the Papyri
Camberwell College of Art, London 165
Camus, Albert 129
Canada House, London 49
Carlos, John 222, 223, 226, 243
Carroll, Lewis 54, 93
Carter, Howard 54
Carter, John and Pollard, Graham: An Enquiry into the Nature of Certain Nineteenth Century Pamphlets 75
‘Caspar Milquetoast’ (cartoon character) 74
Castlereagh, Lord 65
Central School of Arts and Crafts, London 165
Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France 8
Céret, France 12
Chartwell, Kent 40, 41, 42, 47
châteaux 245
Chatwin, Bruce: Utz xii
Chicago Oriental Institute exhibition: ‘Catastrophe! The Looting and Destruction of Iraq’s Past!’ (2006) 215
attitude to copying 87
Cultural Revolution 27
Maoists’ conflagration of Chinese art, architecture and literature xiii
Christensen, Steve 84
Christie, John Reginald Halliday 116
Christie’s auctioneers 67–8
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 77
Churchill, Lady (Clementine)
changing view of the Sutherland picture 41
destroys the Sutherland portrait xiii, 48
Estate of 48–9
previous destruction of pictures of Winston 41
vows that Sutherland picture will ‘never see the light of day’ 48–9
Churchill, Sir Winston
exhibits at the Royal Academy 47
a ‘grumpy and difficult’ subject for his portrait 40–41
hates Sutherland’s portrait 39, 40, 41, 47
health issues 40
paintings by 38, 46–7
speech on his eightieth birthday 37–8
wife burns his portrait by Sutherland xiii, 48
A History of the English-Speaking Peoples 38
‘Painting as a Pastime’ 47
Churchill, Winston (grandson) 49
City of London 175
Clark, Kenneth 41, 42, 45
Clay, Cassius (later Muhammad Ali) 225
Cleaver, Eldridge: Soul on Ice 225, 226
Clongowes Wood College, Co. Kildare, Ireland 56
coal strike (1912) 172, 173
Coffey, Brian 154, 155–7
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 101, 103, 106, 149
collecting, in childhood 58–61
Collins, Sarah 212
colonialism/colonialists 225, 228, 230, 239–42
Conquest, Robert 113, 118–19
Conrad, Joseph 68, 146, 173, 174, 226–7, 240, 242
Heart of Darkness xiv, 226–31, 235
The Secret Agent 12
Constable, John 42
Cooper, Douglas 42–3
country house living 244–5
Country Life magazine 244, 257
Coventry Cathedral: Sutherland’s Christ in Glory 51–2
Cranston, Miss Kate 249–52, 253
Cubism 232
Cumo, James 217
Daily Telegraph 174
Dapper, Olfert 236
Darwin, Charles 90
Davis, Laurie 26, 31
Davy, Sir Humphry 200
Daye, Stephen 78
‘De Camptown Races’ 53, 61
de Waal, Edmund: The Hare with Amber Eyes 189
Department of Conservation, New Zealand 19, 25
Derain, André 232
Diana, Princess 17
DiCaprio, Leonardo 195
Dickens, Charles 146
Doré, Gustave 167–68
Doyle, Colonel 99
Duchamp, Marcel: Fountain 220
eBay 86
Edwards, Harry 223
Elgin, Lord 217, 218
Elgin Marbles 17, 217–18
Eliot, George 75
Eliot, T. S. 64, 68, 86, 118
The Waste Land 143, 151
corrected and annotated typescript 144–5
Pound’s editing 143, 144
The Waste Land: A Facsimile and Transcript of the Original Drafts Including the Annotations of Ezra Pound 144
Eliot, Valerie 144
iot, Vivien 144
Ellmann, Richard 124
emails, authors’ 158–9, 160
Epicureans 200, 201, 204, 205, 260
Epicurus 198, 205
Epstein, Jacob 68
Euripides 207, 208
Evening News: ‘Erchie’ column 252
Faber and Faber 108
Fallingwater, Pennsylvania 253, 254
Fang people 232
Faulks, Sebastian 131
FBI 192–3
Feaver, William 43
Finkel, Irving 210
First International Bank of Salt Lake City 83
First World War 12, 107, 177, 256
Fisk, Robert 215
Fitzgerald, Edward 164–67, 171
Flatley, Michael 66
Fleming, Ian 131
Casino Royale 86
Folsom prison, California 225
Fowles, John 118, 154
François I, King of France 9
Freud, Lucian 46
Futurism 10
Galen 207
Gallwey Treaty (1892) 235
Galt, John 95–6
Gardner, John 131
Garrick Theatre, London 165
Gekoski, Rick: A Friend for Mickey 59
George, Donny 210
Geri, Alfredo 15–16
German Museum of Modern Literature, Marbach 133, 140
Gestapo 187, 188
Getty Museum, Malibu, The 6–7, 197
Gibbs, Dame Jenny 24–5, 28–30, 33, 34, 36, 50
Gifford, William 98
Gilgamesh epic 209
Gill, Eric 122–3, 142
Gilreath, James 81–2
Glasgow 247, 250
tea rooms 248–53
Glasgow School of Art 247–48, 250
Gold Coast 241
Golding, William 148
Circle under the Sea 151
Lord of the Flies 151
Poems 62
Seahorse 151
Short Measure 151
Gow, Dr Andrew 204–5
Graphic, The (magazine) 171
Great Wall of China 236
Greene, Graham: Brighton Rock 69
Guardian 40, 210
Gulf War (1991) 213
Gummer, Colin 117
Hague Convention and Protocol (1954) 217
Hamilton, Charles: Great Forgers and Famous Fakes 74
Hamptons, Long Island 245
Hancock, John 77
Har Noy, Shmuel 134
Harder, Christopher 28, 29
Hardy, Thomas 146, 173, 175
‘The Convergence of the Twain: Lines on the Loss of the Titanic 173–4
Harlow, G. H. 107
Harris, Robert 195
Hartley, George 115
Hartley, Jean 115
Healey, Tim 57
Hebrew University library, Jerusalem 140
Heiserer, Richard 187, 188, 189, 192
Heiserer, Richard, Jnr 189–90
Heiserer family 192
Hemingway, Ernest 85, 86
Henry Sotheran’s Bookshop, Piccadilly, London 165, 168, 171, 172
Herculaneum 195
buried under smouldering rock 199
fleeing outdoors from the AD 79
eruption 198
Villa of the Papyri conservation crisis 206
cost of recovering the buried manuscripts 206
library 6, 196, 200, 201
looting of the villa 199–200
manuscripts carbonised and encased in rock 199
number of recovered manuscripts 200, 206
preserving and deciphering of papyri 200–201, 204–5
size of 205
Herculaneum Research Project 206
Hill, Geoffrey 149
Hill House, Helensburgh 248, 253–55
Hirst, Damien: For the Love of God 170
Hitler, Adolf 181, 188
Hobhouse, John Cam 94, 98–100
Hodges, Richard 238–9
Hoffe, Esther 132–7
Hofmann, Mark 73
alters dimes as a child 75–6, 86, 87
American Antiquarian Society makes low offer 83, 84–5
collects rare children’s books 77, 82
creates provenance for Oath of a Freeman 80–1
a dealer and collector 72–4
establishes his reputation 76
failed deal with Library of Congress 82–3
financial problems 77, 84
forges the Oath 2–3, 77–8
forges a second copy of the Oath 83, 84
Library of Congress refuses to purchase the Oath 82–3
life imprisonment 85
and Mormon documents 2–4, 76–7, 82, 85
murder of Christensen and Sheets 84–5
personality 74
a skilled forger 74
Holmes, James 101
Holmes, Richard 101
Home Office 237
Homolle, Théophile 10
Hopkins, Gerard Manley 92
Horton, Wilmot 99
Hotere, Ralph 28
Houghton Mifflin 167
Houses of Parliament, London 37, 48–9
Hudson, Edward 257
Hughes, Ted 119
Hunt, Leigh 106
Hunterian Art Gallery, Glasgow 256
Huntington High School, Long Island 1
Hussein, Saddam 209, 212
Ihimaera, Witi 28, 29–30
International Olympic Committee 223
Interpol Stolen Works of Art Department 214
IRA 31, 32
the ‘cradle of civilisation’ 209
glut of ancient Mesopotamian material for sale 214–15
looting in 210–185
terrorist groups in 214
Iraq War 209, 216–17
Irish Nationalism 67
Ishtar Gate 7, 216, 217, 220–21, 236
Israel National Library 134, 135, 137, 138, 139
Iti, Tame 27, 28, 30–34
‘James Bond’ 131
James, Henry: The Spoils of Poynton xii
Jardine, Professor Lisa 116, 118
jewelled bindings 169
John Bull 95
John Murray Publishers, Albemarle Street, London 89–90, 107
John the Baptist, St 4, 9
Jones, Monica 110, 111
Joyce, James 55, 122, 155
erotic letters to Nora Barnacle 124
protectiveness of the Joyce estate 67–8
‘Are You Not Weary of Ardent Ways’ 57
Et Tu, Healy 53, 64–5, 68, 69–70, 72, 78
described by Stanislaus 57
forging 72
as juvenalia 54
Slocum and Cahoon’s attribution 62–3
value 66
very little written about it 61
Finnegans Wake 63, 64
Gas from a Burner 62
The Holy Office 62
‘My Cot Alas’ 63
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man 54–7
Stephen Hero 57, 92
Ulysses 63–7, 146
Joyce, John Stanislaus 56
Joyce, Stanislaus 57, 58, 64, 66
Recollections of James Joyce 63
Joyce, Stephen 67–8
Kafka, Franz xiv, 127
Brod rejects instruction to burn his unpublished material xii, 114, 129, 131–2
Brod takes further Kafka material to Palestine 132
‘invisible curiosities’ ix-x, xi
Israel National Library’s claim 134, 137, 138
Kafka papers in Esther Hoffe’s possession 132–4, 135
Kafka papers willed to Hoffe’s daughters 136, 137
literary output 128–9
as an outsider 138
Roth on 130–31
visits site of missing Mona Lisa ix-x, xi, 14
a young person’s writer 141
Amerika 129
The Castle 129
A Hunger Artist 129
The Metamorphosis 126–28, 129, 134
The Trial 22, 129, 133–7
‘Wedding Preparations in the Country’ 139–40
‘Kafkaesque’ xi, 129, 141
Kaha, Te 26–31, 33, 34
Kaufmann, Mrs 254
Kaufmann family 253
Keats, John 105, 131, 141, 149–50, 256–7, 259
‘Ode to a Nightingale’ 169
Poems 169
Keith, Hamish 35
Kelly, Gerald 44
Kelly, Stuart: The Book of Lost Books 207
Kelmscott Manor, Gloucestershire 254
Kelmscott Press: Works of Geoffrey Chaucer 180
Kennedy, John F. 129, 222
Kennedy, Robert 222
Khayyam, Omar 196, 260
forced to make a pilgrimage to Mecca 162
a polymath 162
translations of his work 164
treatises on religious matters 164
vilified by religious authorities 162
The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam 161–2, 175
Fitzgerald translation 164, 165–6, 167
growing popularity 166–7
illustrated by Vedder 167–8, 171–2
see also Sangorski, Francis and Sutcliffe, George, The Great Omar
Khmer Rouge 33
Kinchin, Perilla: Taking Tea with Mackintosh 251–2
King, Martin Luther 222
Kismet (musical) 165
Kitchin, Belinda 129
Kooti, Te (Maori prophet) 22, 23
Kopelman-Pardo, Judge Talia 140
Koran 118
Kumasi, Ghana 240–1
Lacan, Jacques 14
Lagos, Nigeria 237, 238, 239
Lake Waikaremoana, New Zealand 18–19, 35
Lamb, Lady Caroline 94, 102
Larkin, Philip 110, 124, 142, 152
compared with Byron 108
correspondence with Monica Jones 111, 112, 113
death 114
Conquest on 118–19
possible contents of 115
reasons for destroying 120, 122
secretary shreds xii, 93, 113, 114
unpleasantly self-revealing 94
fear of his own death 11–13
librarian at Hull University 108
Little Englandism 116–17
loved by his friends 108, 121–2
personality 108–9, 115, 116, 121
relationship with Monica 111, 112
‘An Arundel Tomb’ 120
‘Aubade’ 112
The Less Deceived 115
Letters 115–16, 121, 159
Lawrence, D. H. 171
The Rainbow 68
Women in Love 233
Lawrence, T. E. 68
Leigh, Augusta 96
Lennon, John 184
Leon, Paul 64
Leonardo da Vinci
Mona Lisa
‘aesthetic’ response to genuine Leonardo 88
Apollinaire’s arrest 13
as a celebrity 8
copies vs fakes 2
the enigmatic smile 6, 7–8, 17
history of the painting 8
Leonardo’s love of the picture 9
Mr Andrews’s copy 1, 2, 4, 6
patination 6